Chernevka | Mogilev

/ Typical soviet shop ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum rural ambiance ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum Before the interview ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum Landscape of Chernevka ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum ©Aleksey Kasyanov – Yahad - In Unum

Execution of Jews in Chernevka

3 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Aleksey S.: “With a friend, I followed the Jews and saw them gathered next to the church by Germans from the Kommandantur who had been holding them in their houses. There were 5 or 6 Germans. Two of them entered the houses, others waited outside, armed, guarding the Jews. There were about 15 victims, mostly women. There were no policemen that day. A lot of villagers followed the column. The column arrived at the kolkhoze field. The Jews had to dig the grave themselves. I was 50 metres away. After the shooting, the women of the village who were at the execution site had to fill in the grave.”
(Witness N°597, interviwed in Chernevka, on April 25th 2012).

Soviet archives

“Zakhar P., living in Chernevka, Dibrin district, stated that in early August 1941, about 200 Soviet civilians were shot by a German punitive detachment in the village of Chernevka. Exactly one month later, the punitive detachment came back to the village, gathered the women and children of Jewish origin in a shed where they had to undress. They then were shot in groups in a ravine south of Chernevka. The little children were thrown alive into the grave and covered with earth. That day, 600 people were shot in the village of Chernevka. In all, 800 people were shot in the village.”
[Deposition of Zakhar P, on April 20th 1947; RG22.022M 7021688/37].

Historical note

No information available

Holocaust by bullets in figures

No information available

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