Kirove | Dnipropetrovsk

/ © Nicolas Tkatchouk - Yahad-In Unum Marina K. saw the column going to the shooting  © Nicolas Tkatchouk-Yahad-In Unum © Nicolas Tkatchouk - Yahad-In Unum Valentin Z. remembered that the Jews were gathered in the school before the shooting © Nicolas Tkatchouk-Yahad-In Unum © Nicolas Tkatchouk - Yahad-In Unum Dmitriy M. with his wife, saw the column going to the shooting    © Nicolas Tkatchouk-Yahad-In Unum © Nicolas Tkatchouk - Yahad-In Unum Dmitriy F. saw the mass grave after the shooting © Nicolas Tkatchouk- Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Kirove

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Near the ravine
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Viktor M. recalls: "I saw a mother with a baby in the pit. The mother had died, but the baby was still alive. He was on her breast. He was crying and moving. One of the local policemen took a shovel and hit the baby. It was surprising because the policeman was a native of the village and knew this woman." (Witness N°955, interviewed in Kirove, in 2010)

Historical note

Former agricultural Jewish colony, originally composed of 2 distinct villages named Tchistopol and Fraydorf. The village is situated between the cities of Krivoy Rog and Dnipropetrovsk. Kirove was a member of the former Jewish district of Satlindorf created in the 1920’s, and consisting of dozens of Jewish agricultural colonies, the first ones established at the beginning of the 19th century. The village was occupied from 1941 to 1943.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

The Jews were gathered in an open ghetto, consisting of a street, which lasted from the summer of 1941 to spring 1942. The Jews frequently had to work to build the road between Krivoy Rog and Dnipropetrovsk. For that purpose, young Jews were sent to a camp in Langovka. Others were killed in 1942 in a career.

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