Nova Zorya | Dnipropetrovsk

© David Merlin-Dufey - Yahad-In Unum © David Merlin-Dufey - Yahad-In Unum © David Merlin-Dufey - Yahad-In Unum © David Merlin-Dufey - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Nova Zorya

2 Killing site(s)

Investigated by Yahad:
Period of occupation:
Witnesses interviewed:

Witness interview

Witnesses interviewed: 3. (N°919, 920, 921). Vladimir S. (N°919): "Four policemen arrested four women and three men. I saw what happened because I went up onto the roof of my house which faced the field. The policemen put the women on all fours, forced them to weed, wrapped their long hairs around the handles of their whips and made them crawl like dogs to the pit, where they were shot along with the men."

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