Timashevsk | Krasnodar

/ Typical ambiance © Aleksey Kasyanov –Yahad-In Unum During the interview © Aleksey Kasyanov –Yahad-In Unum Pelageya I., born in 1928, saw the shooting of the Jews © Aleksey Kasyanov –Yahad-In Unum Nikolaï P., born in 1935, heard the shootings for 30 minutes. He went later to the grave and saw that the grave was already filled. © Aleksey Kasyanov –Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Timashevsk and Dneprovskaya

2 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Silo pit
Period of occupation:
Witnesses interviewed:

Witness interview

Alexandr T. evokes: "The region of Krasnodar was divided into 10 regions. Timashevsk became the administrative centre. This is why many prisonners of the war and Jews were brought here. The Kommandatur was installed here, too." (Witness N°318, interviewed in Timashevsk, on June 9, 2012).

Soviet archives

"On August 17th, 1942, under the order of the German unit represented by commander T., the captain P. and lieutenant K.and German soldiers, 21 people members of Jewish families were gathered on the territory of the kolkhoz (...). All were loaded onto wagons, taken towards the village of Timashovsk. Once they arrived at the height of the railway bridge, they were shot on the track ballast." [Act drawn by the Soviet Extraordinary Commission, on May 21, 1944, RG-22.002M/7021-16/435].

Historical note

No information available

Holocaust by bullets in figures

On August 17, 1942, 21 Jews were shot in the sovkhoze “Timachevets”. Seven other Jews were arrested in the hamlet Proletary and taken to the sovkhoze in order to be killed. According to the Extraordinary Soviet Commission, 75 Jews were shot in August 1942 in the territory of the sovkhoze “Polilotdelets”.

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