Zarudyntsi | Vinnytsia

/ A well, at a house    © Ellénore Gobry-Yahad-In Unum Maria P. showing the location of the Jewish mass grave  © Ellénore Gobry-Yahad-In Unum Maria P. remembered that the Jews were brought to work in columns in rows of 4, under the supervision of the local policemen    © Ellénore Gobry-Yahad-In Unum The monument to the Jewish victims of Zrudyntsi is not situated at the site of the shootings    © Ellénore Gobry-Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Zarudyntsi

2 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Maria P. : "My father was requisitioned, with his cart, to transport the Jews who were not able to walk. The order was given by the local administration. Once the Germans arrived, they dissolved the kolkhoz and distributed everything to the villagers. That is how my father got a cart with horses. So, with this cart, he transported the Jews." (Witness N°1009, interviewed in August, 2010)

Historical note

Zrudyntsi  is a small village situated east of the city of Vinnytsia, on the main road to Dnipopetrovsk. The village was under German occupation from 1941 to 1944.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

A labor camp was created in a former school in 1942, with Jews mostly coming from Transnistria under Romanian occupation. They had to work on the construction of the main road DG IV, which had to go from Lviv to the Caucasus. Jews from the camp were eliminated during different actions, the last one taking place in 1943 in the local cemetery.

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