Piaski | Lublin

© Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Piaski

4 Killing site(s)

Investigated by Yahad:
Period of occupation:
Witnesses interviewed:

Witness interview

Witnesses interviewed:6. (N°99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104). Wojciech S. (N°104): "I was requistioned during the liquidation of the ghetto to bring bodies to the jewish cemetery. There was 6 trolleys. During this trip, they went to the prison to take 30 Jews. one of them was drunk and his was shot in the middle of his cell."

German archives

B162-2107: " I remember well the liquidation of the labor camp of Janowska and the one of Piaski. Members of the Kommando 1005 perpetrated the action."

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