Radoszyce | Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship

/ A pre-war Jewish house in Radoszyce. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum The site of one of the two synagogues, known as "the old synagogue". Today only an empty square remains. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum The house in which the German gendarmerie was located during the occupation. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum The site where the synagogue and a rabbi’s house stood before the war. Today there is a police station at the site. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum A view of one of the streets of Radoszyce included in the ghetto during the German occupation. Many pre-war Jewish houses have survived to this day. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum The market square, the gathering place of the Jews from Radoszyce ghetto before the deportation to the Końskie ghetto on November 3, 1943. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Michał K., born in 1933: “Before the war, there was a big Jewish community here. There was a rabbi, two synagogues, as well as a Jewish cemetery located near the woods. Relations between Poles and Jews were rather good.” ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Michał K., born in 1933: “Hanna Rutkowski, the Jewish Vogt’s daughter, was 30 years old. She lived with us before the creation of the ghetto. One day she left the house and never came back. She was shot by the Germans.” ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Michał K., born in 1933, showed the Yahad team the border of the ghetto on the intersection of Ogrodowa, Spódzielcza and Krótka Streets. The ghetto limits were separated from the rest of the town only by a ribbon. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Michał K., born in 1933: “In this gate, the Germans held an auction of Jewish property. One could buy furniture, bedding, cutlery, plates, etc. My family bought a wooden closet.” ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Stanisław B., born in 1925: “During the occupation, the Jews had to wear armbands with a Star of David and perform forced labor. They had to work in the fields. They were guarded by Jewish policemen armed with truncheons.” ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Stanisław B., born in 1925: “When the ghetto was created, the Poles living in these streets had to leave, and the Jews had to move in. The ghetto wasn’t fenced-in, it was guarded by the Jewish police, firemen and gendarmes.” ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unu Genowefa B., born in 1932: “In November, Germans gathered the Jews in the market square. The young people walked, and the older ones rode on carts to Końskie. The column was guarded over by the police and the gendarmerie."©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum Genowefa B., born in 1932: “Jews who couldn’t stand it any longer, or who couldn’t keep up with the pace of the column, were shot on the spot, especillay older or weaker Jews. I believe they killed more than 10 people." ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum During the war, the destruction of the cemetery in Radoszyce began. The tombstones were used by the Germans and local residents as building material and grinding wheels. Almost all above-ground elements were obliterated. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum The Jewish cemetery, burial site of at least 20 Jews killed in Radoszyce during the German occupation and during the deportation of Jews to Końskie on November 3, 1942. ©Pawel Szupiluk/Yahad - In Unum

Execution of Jews in Radoszyce

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Jewish cemetery
Period of occupation:
Number of victims:

Witness interview

Michał K., born in 1933: “Before the war, there were Poles and Jews living in Radoszyce. Jews were quite numerous. They had a synagogue, multiple shops and workshops. I remember some of my Jewish neighbors: Hersh, Bejchu, Jankiel. The latter was a merchant. There was even a Jewish Vogt named Rutkowski. He had a daughter named Hanna, a young woman of about 30 years old who was shot by the Germans during the occupation. When the war broke out, the Germans created a ghetto in town. It was not fenced in, but the Jews wouldn’t go out of it, they were scared of being killed. I remember stealing food from home and giving it to the Jews in the ghetto. They were starving in there. Once the Jews were taken to Końskie, all their belongings were assembled by the Germans and sold during an auction organized at the marketplace. My family bought a wooden closet that had belonged to a Jewish family.” (Witness N°1339P, interviewed in Radoszyce, on August 18, 2022)

Polish Archives

“Ghetto created in March 1942, liquidated on 3.11.1943; 2300 Jews in the ghetto, forced to work (public works); when the ghetto was liquidated, the Jews were taken to the Konskie ghetto.” [Summary taken from the Court Inquiries about executions and mass graves in districts, provinces, camps and ghettos (Ankieta Sadow Grodzkich) RG-15.019M Reel #15 part 4 page 122/326]

Historical note

Radoszyce is a town in Końskie County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, in southcentral Poland (historic province of Lesser Poland). It is the seat of the gmina (administrative district) called Gmina Radoszyce. It lies approximately 19 km (12 mi) southwest of Końskie and 33 km (21 mi) northwest of the regional capital Kielce. In the first half of the 16th century, Jewish settlers began to establish themselves in Radoszyce. By the 18th century, the Hasidic Jewish community had become the prevailing Jewish group in the area. By 1925, the Jewish religious community of Radoszyce boasted two synagogues and four houses of prayer, accommodating a total of 1,600 individuals. Over time, the community expanded, and its number grew to 1,846. Jews were mainly merchants (mill and metal workshop owners, carbonated water factory owners, silk material traders, poultry sellers, food and alcohol sellers, paint sellers…) and craftsmen (cap makers, shoemakers, carpenters, blacksmiths, tailors, kosher butchers). There were 3,200 Jews living in the village on the eve of war in 1939.


Holocaust by bullets in figures

Radoszyce was heavily bombed by the Luftwaffe at the start of the September Campaign, causing most Jews to flee. Soon after the bombings, the Germans entered the town. They established a small German Gendarmerie unit office in, and in June 1940, established the Judenrat (Jewish Council). Soon after, Jews were subjected to forced labor, mainly as forest workers or craftsmen and on public works. 200 Jewish workers were sent from Radoszyce to Distrikt Lublin. The influx of refugees and deportees into Radoszyce increased the number of the Jewish population in town up to 2,200. Between November 1940 and June 1941, about 700 refugees from the Warthegau region and the Warsaw region were brought to Radoszyce. Although by the end of May 1941 there was no official ghetto area in town, it is almost certain that the latter was informally established by the gradual relocation of Jews over an extended period of time, to be fully established by December 10, 1941. This designated area included Kościuszki, Ogrodowa, Karola, and Kościelna streets. The ghetto was not fenced-in in 1941, and circa. 2,400 Jews lived in the ghetto; only 529 of them were locals. On January 11, 1942, the Jewish Police (Judischer Ordungsdienst) was created at the request of the German authorities to maintain order in the ghetto. In April 1942, Jewish individuals from Mnin (200 people), Nieborów (200), and Stąporkowo (400), as well as from nearby Pijanów (with a Jewish population of 250), Duraczów and Ruda Maleniecka (250), were forcibly relocated to Radoszyce. Later that same year, in August, Jews from Miedzierza (20) were also transferred to the ghetto, increasing the number of Jews up to 4,000. Many Jews from Radoszyce were assigned to work in industrial plants located in Skarżysko-Kamienna. Starting from August 1942, the inmates of the Radoszyce ghetto were transported to Końskie. The main deportation took place on November 3, 1943, when circa. 4,000 Jews from the ghetto were escorted to the train station in Końskie. The first deportation of Jews from the Końskie ghetto, including those from Radoszyce, to Treblinka extermination camp also took place that same day. During the Aktion in Końskie, the German police shot almost 600 Jews. A number of Jews who managed to hide and avoid the deportation were successively hunted down and shot in Radoszyce in March 1943.

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