Shevchenkove | Ivano-Frankivsk

/ In the middle of the village of Shevchenkove © Markel Redondo – Yahad – In Unum Nokhem’s house remained intact from the war period © Markel Redondo – Yahad – In Unum Mykola S., born in 1933, was at school when he saw the shooting of a Jew near the Klub © Markel Redondo - Yahad-In Unum Yahad’s team during the interview near the site where Nokhem’s wife was executed © Markel Redondo - Yahad-In Unum According to the witness this is the place where Fisch was killed© Markel Redondo – Yahad – In Unum An execution site of Nokhem and his wife. © Markel Redondo – Yahad – In Unum

Execution of Jews in Shevchenkove

2 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Mykola S.,interviewed by Yahad: "YIU: You said that you saw the columns of Hungarian Jews, correct?
W: Yes, the column was very long. I brought them three eggs. Later, people from UPA told us that they had turned toward where there is a restaurant today and were shot. Today, you will not be able to get to this place. Only if you take another road about 200m away from the restaurant to get to the forest. At that time I saw a lot of skulls with my own eyes." (Witness N°1816, interviewed in Shevchenkove, on August 30, 2013).

Historical note

Shevchenkove is situated about 70km west of Ivano-Frankivsk. As part of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire province of Galicia, the village was under Polish administration until September 1939. According to Mykola (Witness n°1816), before the war there were about 40 Jewish houses in the village. There was also a synagogue. The Jews lived off of the foresting industry. There were also craftsmen and doctors among them.  The territory was occupied by the Hungarians, but was later taken over by the German administration.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

During field research, Yahad-In Unum found that the anti-Jewish measures started from the beginning of the German occupation and were carried out by border guards and Germans. Through the testimony of Mykola S. Yahad identified the sites of isolated shootings, which were undocumented and unknown until now.  The witness also told us about columns of Hungarian Jews who passed by the village. Apparently, they were shot in the mountains, as after the war the witness saw skulls in the forest, but Yahad-In Unum couldn’t confirm that information nor identify the execution site due to its inaccessibility.

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