1 Execution site(s)
Nina CH., born in 1928, remembers when her and her family were almost shot: "I was rounded up along with my mother, my sister, my nephew by a former kulak because we were ’dirty communists.’ We were loaded into a tarp-covered truck with 30 Jewish refugees. Those who refused to get inside the truck were severely beaten. When we arrived at the execution site, located outside the village, we saw a pit full of bodies. There were women, children and elder people amongst them. Two Germans pushed us out of the truck. They lined up a first group at the edge of the anti-tank pit. A row of shooters faced them and shot them. My uncle, who had been requisitioned to bring the shooters to the execution site with his truck, managed to save us." (Testimony n°566, interviewed in Soldato-Aleksandrovskoye, on October 21st, 2015)
“In the evening on September 14th, 1942, I was called by the head of the kolkhoz. I was told to give my farewells to my children and family and appear at the meeting point on September 15th, at dawn. When I was leaving I was clearly told that if I escaped my children and my husband’s parents would suffer the consequences. We left the kolkhoz at dawn. A cart was requisitioned to transport our belongings, because according to the order each person could take 30kg of personal affairs. Once we arrived at the Kommandantur, the armed Germans surrounded us immediately. They were very nice and helpful and that attitude reassured the overwhelmed people. The people who were gathered there consisted only of women, elder people and children of all ages, including babies. There were only two men: one Romanian Jew, Rabinovich, and one Ukranian Jew, Shneider. After that, we were registered and had our passports confiscated. We were offered to buy half a of loaf of bread for the way, just in case we did not have enough food later. The German and Russian police asked for two and a half rubles for a half loaf. For 20 mintues, they let us have breakfast and feed the children. After that, we were told that we would be taken by truck and then by train to the place of our permanent residence. Satisfied and reassured by this malicious and sophisticated fascist lie, the Jews walked towards the covered truck in rows of two guarded by armed fascists.” [Deposition of a Jewish survivor, Suzanna B., given to the State Extraordinary Commission on August 10th, 1943; RG.22-002M: Fond 7021, Opis 17, Delo 11. p. p.373-374]
Soldato-Aleksandrovskoye is located near the banks of the Kuma river, about 200km southeast of Stavropol. Historically home to Russians, there were no Jewish families living in the village before the war. The village was very big and numbered 7-8 kolkhozes. Once the war broke out, the Jewish refugees arrived in the village. According to the witnesses, the Jews lived with the villagers, 2-4 families in each house, and worked in the kolkhoz. The Germans occupied the territory in early August 1942.
Shortly after Germans arrival, all Jews and communists had to register and in the case of Jews, they had to wear distinguishing badges in the shape of the Star of David. One month later the execution were conducted by Einsatzgruppen D. On the eve of the execution, all Jews were told to prepare themselves to be relocated to a new area. They were authorized to take their personal belongings and enough food provision for 5 days. On September 15th, 1942, the Jews gathered close to the stadium, not far away from the Kommandantur, where they were registered once again. Their belongings were put in special rooms, but they were never given back. From this location, the Jews were driven by truck to the execution site. From the archives and the personal accounts by eyewitnesses, we know that the children were poisoned and the adults were shot afterwards. Before being shot, the Jews had to undress. In all, about 270 Jewish refugees were shot in Soldato-Aleksandrovskoye.
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