Nove | Mykolaiv

© Markel Redondo - Yahad-In Unum witness and interviewer of Yahad’s team on the shooting’s place © Markel Redondo - Yahad-In Unum execution’s site of the jewish victims © Markel Redondo - Yahad-In Unum witness showing the execution’s site to the team

Execution of Jews in Nove

3 Killing site(s)

Investigated by Yahad:
Kind of place before:
a ravine
Period of occupation:
Witnesses interviewed:

Witness interview

Witnesses interviewed: 2. (N°1335, 1336).
Anatoli T (N°1336U) : “It was forbidden to approach the columns which were guarded by Germans. A young Jew tried to escape and a German or a Romanian shot him. I didn’t see columns at night but it is possible that there were some. The Jews were brought in crowds, not in rows. Some of them had little packages.”

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