Łysaków | Subcarpathian Voivodeship

/ Marian K., born in 1933: “I knew the Peretz family from Łysaków, our fields bordered. The Peretz family consisted of father, mother and two daughters aged 17 and 18. They owned a store in Łysaków.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Franciszek W., born in 1931:” In Czermin, there were at least 10 Jewish families before the war. These families lived mainly in the center of Czermin and worked mainly in commerce.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Władysława W., born in 1931: “Several Jewish families lived in Czermin, I remember two families in particular: the Jankiels and the Haskiels. Haskiel’s daughter was my friend. Her siblings were Pesha, Ida and Berek.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum The Yahad team during an interview in Szafranów. ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Marian K., born in 1933: “During the occupation, about 10 young Jewish men were forced to work for several months digging the canal. They had no sign of recognition except black berets, which they could not remove.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Marian K., born in 1933: “Two Peretz sisters were hiding at our place for several months. One day, they decided to leave. They were spotted and denounced by a Pole and shot by the Germans.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Marian K., born in 1933: “During the war, the German occupiers encouraged locals to catch and denounce Jews by offering them 300 zlotys for each denounced Jew. Those Jews were shot by the Voksdeutche from Czermin.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Genowefa M., born in 1931 “The Jews tried to flee and hide in the forest, as German settlers, those Volksdeutche, tried to catch and kill them. Jews were buried in a small pine forest, at the border of Czermin.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Marian K., born in 1933: “The Peterz sisters were kept in a barn overnight. In the morning, the Gestapo arrived to kill them. They were holding hands while falling into the pit. I saw their execution with my own eyes.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum Marian K., born in 1933: “A Jew named Jankiel was taken, along with his family, from his home in Łysakówek, in the early hours of the morning to Czermin. There they were shot and buried here.” ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum The execution site and burial site of two Jewish women, two sisters from the Peretz family from Łysaków, killed by the Germans and Polish collaborators in 1942. There is no memorial at the site. ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum The execution site and burial place of several Jews, including 3 people from the Hycek family from Łysakówek. There is no memorial at the site. ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum The execution site and burial place of several Jews, including the father of the Peterz sisters as well as 3 people from the Jankiel family from Łysaków. There is no memorial at the site. ©Jordi Lagoutte/Yahad - In Unum

Execution of Jews in Łysaków, Łysakówek and Czermin

3 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
meadow (1); field (2); little forest (3)
Period of occupation:
Number of victims:
At least a dozen Jews

Witness interview

Genowefa M., born in 1931: “In Czermin, there was a German settlement called Hohenbach consisting of approximately 100 ethnic Germans who had peacefully coexisted with Poles and Jews for about 100 years. However, with the German army’s arrival in 1939, the attitude of these German settlers towards Poles and Jews changed drastically. Young Germans from the colony were conscripted into the German army and given weapons. Consequently, Poles were treated as slaves, and forced to work for these German families.

Local Jews attempted to escape as German settlers and others tried to capture and kill them. At night, some Jews sought refuge in our barn, while during the day, they hid themselves in the forest, where they ultimately faced execution. Mr. H., the village chief, had ordered the Jews to be rounded up in an empty house before their execution. However, they managed to escape through the chimney. Unfortunately, the Germans were alerted, and when the Jews tried to flee from the house into the forest, they were shot in the back.

At the end of the war, these German settlers fled Czermin out of fear of reprisals.”

(Testimony N°YIU1498P, interviewed in Łysaków, on September 20, 2023)

Polish Archives


In 1942, 2 Jewish women were executed. The corpses were buried in an animal burial ground.


In the spring of 1943, 6 Jews from Borowa were executed. The corpses were buried by the woods next to the animal burial ground.

In the spring of 1943, two Jews from the community jail, including a girl of 15 years. The corpses were buried next to the burial ground near the woods.

In the spring of 1943, 2 Jews from Wola Otałęska. Names. The corpses were buried in an animal burial ground.

[Protokół Sądu Grodzkiego w Mielcu, 17.09.1945 ; Mps, j. pol., s.2, 337E ; Institute of National Remembrance IPN]

Historical note

Łysaków is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Czermin, within Mielec County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, in southeastern Poland. It lies approximately 4 km (2 mi) north-west of Czermin, 13 km (8 mi) north-west of Mielec, and 62 km (39 mi) northwest of the regional capital Rzeszów.

Little is known about Łysaków’s pre-war Jewish community. In the late 19th century, Łysaków was part of the Jewish metric district in Radomysl. Testimonies recorded in Łysaków, Czermin, and Szafranów mention several Jewish families residing in the area, primarily engaged in trade and the cattle business.

In 1783, settlers from the Rhineland arrived, establishing the village of Czermin under the name "Hohenbach." The colony comprised 56 families of German settlers, covering 654 morgens of the most fertile fields. The colonists were of the Protestant faith. Czermin, significantly populated by Jews after 1830, featured a Beit Hamidrash for daily prayers and a mikvah nearby. Before the Second World War, Czermin was home to 44 Jewish residents, whose distinct culture disappeared due to atrocities committed by the Germans.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

The fate of the Jews in Łysaków and nearby villages is intricately tied to the history of Czermin. In 1939, as the German occupation began, a group of German colonists from Czermin organized a Nazi sabotage V column, playing a significant role in the persecution and murder of local Jews. Young Volksdeutche from Czermin’s Hochenbach colony were conscripted into the German army and armed, leading to the relentless persecution and shooting of local Jews.

Despite attempts to hide in nearby forests or among neighbors, Jews were progressively betrayed by local collaborators, incentivized by German authorities offering a reward of 300 zlotys for each denounced Jew—equivalent to two chickens, as recalled by local witnesses.

The most intense wave of violence against Jews occurred in 1942-1943, as evidenced by archival records. The Yahad team, through interviews with witnesses in the area, determined that at least a dozen Jews from Łysaków, Łysakówek, Borowa, Czermin, and potentially other localities were shot by the German military or ethnic Germans from Czermin. Three execution sites and mass graves of Jewish victims were identified.

Remarkably, some Jews managed to survive the war, primarily owing to the assistance of Poles. Genowefa M. noted that several Polish families from nearby villages, such as Dąbrówka and Breń Osuchowski, provided shelter for Jewish children until the end of the German occupation.

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