Zheludok (Zaludok, Żołudek, Zholudok) | Grodno

/ Abandoned Zheludok castle. For a while, Zheludok was part of Poland. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Former synagogue in Zheludok, located on 17 Sentyabry Street. Today, there is a state canteen in this building. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Former Jewish school in Zheludok. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Former Jewish cemetery of Zheludok. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Stanislava R. remembered the numerous Jewish shops in Zheludok. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Stanislava R. leads the Yahad team to the execution site in order to explain how the shooting happened. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Execution site of 2,000 Jews in Zheludok. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum Stanislava R. near the memorial to the Jewish victims. ©Victoria Bahr/Yahad - In Unum

Execution of the Zheludok and the Orlya Jews

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Jewish cemetery
Period of occupation:
1941 - 1944
Number of victims:

Witness interview

Stanislava R., born in 1932: “During the shooting, not far from the pit, there was a German sitting at a table, writing something on sheets of paper. Maybe he was recording an account of the victims. The pit was very deep and bodies were piled on top of each other.” (Eyewitness N°732 interviewed on April 27, 2014)

German archives

“According to my notes, in the early morning on May 9, 1942 the Jews were rounded up in the ghetto and gathered at the market place. Once there they were told that they were responsible for the war and that was the reason why they were being executed. 86 Jews were put aside and weren’t shot, while over 1,000 Jews were taken to be shot on the same day. In all 1,500 Jews, including those who in hiding but caught, were shot in Zheludok.” [Declaration of a Jewish survivor, Irena Zadarnowska, given on September 7, 1959; B162-3407 (p.15)]

Historical note

Zheludok is a large village situated 75 km east of Grodno. Before the war, around 70% of the 2,500 inhabitants of Zheludok were Jewish. There were 2 synagogues and a Jewish cemetery. The village was occupied by German forces at the end of June-beginning of July, 1941.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

In late 1939, many Jewish refugees from German-occupied Poland came to Zheludok. After the Germans’ arrival, young Jews performed forced labor on the Czetwertynski family’s estate. Because some of them refused to wear their yellow signs, 22 of them were killed close to the estate.

A ghetto, located on the Orla street, was established on November 1, 1941. All the Jews from Zheludok and nearby villages, including Orlya, were gathered in the gehtto. There are contradictory statements about the nature of the ghetto, but according to the witnesses interviewed by Yahad, the ghetto was fenced, and the Jews, who regularly tried to escape by passing under the fence, were shot.

On May 9, 1942, a selection was conducted at the market square by the Germans, assisted by local policemen and Lithuanians. 80 Jewish craftsmen were placed inside the synagogue. Later, they were sent to the Shchuchin ghetto. The rest of the Jews were shot in pits dug in advance in a forest close to the Jewish cemetery. The Jews had to walk 10 by 10 to a table where the Germans registered them. Then, the victims had to undress and walk to the edge of the pit.

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