Gomel | Vitebsk


Execution of Jews in Gomel

2 Sitio(s) de ejecución

Período de ocupación:

Entrevista del testigo

Witnesses interviewed: 3. (N°23, 24, 25). Yekaterina L. (N°23): "The women and the children were cooped up until the winter in a house which was opposite my home. That’s the reason I saw the Jews leaving the camp. They were killed dressed, really close to here, not far from a vegetable garden. The bodies stayed there all the night and the following day they were transported on waggons to an antitank trench which was near a hill."

Archivos alemanes

B162-3276. "The Commandant, Doring, went by train in Gomel before going to Moguilev to shoot the Jews."

Pueblos cercanos

  • Borovukha Pervaya
  • Dokshitsy
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