Vygivka | Ivano-Frankivsk

/ © Guillaume Ribot - Yahad-In Unum © Guillaume Ribot - Yahad-In Unum © Guillaume Ribot - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Vygivka

1 Sitio(s) de ejecución

Investigated by Yahad:
Tipo de lugar antes:
Período de ocupación:
Witnesses interviewed:

Entrevista del testigo

Witnesses interviewed: 2. (N°221, 222). Stepan Mikhailovich F. (N°222): "YIU : Were there some places nearby where the Jews were brought by train?
W.: Yes, there was one in Bukhavtsi. These trains were filled with Jews. Some tried to escape but they were killed at once.
YIU: How did they try to escape?
W.: They made holes in the walls of the carsand they jumped out while on the way."

Pueblos cercanos

  • Broshniv-Osada
  • Sivka-Kaluska
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