Mykhaylo-Oleksandrivka | Odesa

/ Rural ambiance © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Lidia G., born in 1925, “Three 16-17 years Jewish girls came to our house. They were very pretty. I remember that one of them Anya had a birthday the following day. My mother gave them to eat and they left.”© Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Yahad’s team with the witness near the mass grave © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Lidia G. tracing the road of the Jewish column which found its death in Mykhaylo-Oleksandrivka village © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Mykhaylo-Oleksandrivka

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Lime ditch
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Anna A. answers the questions: "YIU: When the Jews passed by your village, which direction did they come from?
A: They brought them from Syrotynka in the direction of Berezovka. Yet, they stopped here and they were not taken to Berezovka. It was winter, in February. The weather was cold.
YIU: Among them, were there children, women, men and elderly people?
A: Yes, everybody, from young to old and the children. I think there were whole families. Everybody was on foot, even children. They walked slowly. The guards, I don’t know whether they were Romanians or policemen, were on horseback. Everybody was tense, even the children." (Witness N°1559, interviewed in Mykhaylo-Oleksandrivka, on August 09, 2012)

Soviet archives

"Around the 13th of February, 1942, 400 Soviet civilians of Jewish nationality staying in Mikhaylo-Aleksandrovka were shot by the Germans in the wine sovkhoz Zhovtnivka, Zavadovka borough, Berezovka district. They were shot in a sand quarry which one used to take sand for road constructions."[Act drawn up by Soviet extraordinary commission in 1944; RG-22.002M/7021-69/75]

Historical note

No information available 

Holocaust by bullets in figures

400 Jews were executed by ethnic German militia during two actions which took place in middle February, 1943. According to some sources the Jews shot in Mykhaylo-Oleksandrivka were from Odesa.

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