Yezupil (Iezupil) | Ivano-Frankivsk

/ / Semen K., born in 1929, remembered how the Germans were violent with the Jews. The Jews being forced into trucks were taken away and shot afterwards © Markel Redondo - Yahad - In Unum Mykhaylyna S., born in 1933, an eyewitness to a shooting of a group of 5-6 Jews, shot at the Jewish cemetery  © Markel Redondo – Yahad - In Unum Mykhaylyna S., born in 1933, pointing to the execution site. Today, there is nothing left of the Jewish cemetery, which used to be situated behind the fence © Markel Redondo – Yahad - In Unum

Execution of Jews in Yezupil

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Jewish cemetery
Period of occupation:
Number of victims:

Witness interview

Semen K., born in 1929, explains: “The Germans passed from house to house to chase the Jews. Once the Jews were out, they closed the house and put a seal on it. But I didn’t see who put those seals on the doors and how they did it. I had already seen the houses with a paper and a German seal on the door. Once, passing by the road, I saw the Jews being chased out by Germans. They rounded them up in trucks. Some were taken to Ivano-Frankivsk and shot there.” (Witness n°1867, interviewed in Yezupil, on September 11, 2013)

Historical note

Yezupil, first written about in 1435, is located about 15km northeast of Ivano-Frankivsk. Referred to as a historic part of Pokuttia in Galicia, the town was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Poland and became a part of Soviet Union in September 1939. In the course of its history, the town changed names trice: first called Yesupol, it was renamed Zhovten in the Soviet period and renamed Yezupol some years after. The Jewish community was rather important as there was a Jewish Kahal and Jewish cemetery. When WWII broke out, Hungarian forces occupied the territory beginning in early July 1941.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

According to the witnesses interviewed by Yahad-In Unum, the Yezupil Jews were deported and later exterminated. Nevertheless, thanks to Mykhaylyna S. (Witness n°1866), an eyewitness of the isolated shooting, Yahad-In Unum found out that a group of 5-6 Jews were shot at the Jewish cemetery. The shooting was conducted by two or three Germans.

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