With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance
The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, also known as the Claims Conference and the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC), is an organization founded in 1951 by Jewish associations whose aim is to claim compensation for victims of National Socialism and survivors of the Holocaust, and to provide for their needs. It also works with the descendants of victims, and participates in Holocaust remembrance and research.

The European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) supports the interactive map.

La Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (FMS) is a French institution recognized as being of public interest , whose mission is to provide financial support for projects relating to :
- Shoah history and research (scholarships, research grants, etc.) ;
- education (school trips, teacher training, etc.) ;
- remembrance and its transmission (rehabilitation of memorial sites, documentaries, publications, etc.);
- solidarity with Holocaust survivors (medical and social programs);
- Jewish culture (cultural events, education, etc.);
- the fight against anti-Semitism and intercultural dialogue (educational initiatives, publications, films, etc.).

JewishGen, a non-profit organization affiliated with the Museum of Jewish Heritage. JewishGen’s mission is to preserve our collective Jewish family history, and heritage, for future generations, by allowing anyone with Jewish ancestry to research their roots, and connect with relatives.

LitvakSIG is the primary internet resource for Lithuanian-Jewish (Litvak) genealogy research worldwide. SIG stands for Special Interest Group. Their mission is to discover, collect, document, disseminate and preserve information about the once vibrant

Holocaust Atlas of Lithuania, is a project aimed at education, dissemination of information initiated by the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and the Austrian VereinGedenkdienst. The atlas consists of structured and concentrated information on all mass killing sites of Jews in Lithuania.

Bukovina Jewish Heritage, is website about Jewish heritage sites in Bukovina, Transnistria (in Ukraine) and several sites on the deportation route of Bukovina Jews from Bukovina to Transnistria. It includes synagogues, cemeteries and Holocaust related places - concentration camps, ghettos, mass graves and memorials.